Use the funds you receive from the Idle Hypermart Empire to launch your company, purchase your first level, and then tap on employees to begin their work. Once you have your money, you must go to the office to collect it before using it to hire new workers to do the work of the departing ones and continue to get their salary.
Here's how to build war chests that let you build more floors for your hypermarket tower, continuing from the layer of fruits and vegetables you started with. By renting the entire building, you can increase the volume of things you sell and raise your earnings. Even if you do nothing, the more structures you have built, the more money you'll generate; just be sure to go get it so you can reinvest.
How To Play
This game is exactly why we hope to see you all give it a try now and here. You'll be guaranteed a great time from start to finish. In addition, you can also enjoy more exciting games like Idle Island on our website.